Quran Benefits

  • Benefits of Quran

The Quran, from its initial word to its final, consistently emanates the essence of Divine Speech. With each word and every page, it unfolds a vast ocean of knowledge, enlightenment, morality, guidance, and serenity. Since its revelation, numerous miracles have manifested through it. Here are some well-known benefits that one can derive from the Quran:

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As a religious scripture, the Quran stimulates the reader's intent to comprehend their surroundings and reflect on various aspects of life. It serves as a direct communication from Allah Almighty to humanity, acting as a profound intermediary between the individual and the Divine. Thus, for those seeking to purify their souls and draw closer to God, reading the Quran stands out as the best and simplest means to achieve this connection.

Quran has long been used as a medicine for gaining numerous health benefits by Muslims, and now science validates its affects also. Hazrat Abdul Malik bin Umair (RA) reports that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"In Surah Fatiha there is a cure for all ailments."

Other than Surah Fatiha, Surah Yaseen and Surah Rehman are the major Surahs used for attaining health benefits.

Every word of Quran is charming and elegant. However, when one learns to recite Quran the right way, then the reader instantly falls in love with Quran. The rhyme, the rhythm and the sound the verses produces when recited correctly is just elegantly splendid.

When kids are exposed to Quran they come under its influence and thus grow to be more responsible and virtuous individuals. Quran presents a complete code of life, thus when kids know about the principles of Quran they start implementing it early in their life leading to becoming a better Muslim.

Quran has been interpreted in many languages and by many scholars, which has also been a reason for huge controversies between Islam and other religions and for that matter even with in different sects of Islam, but again the miraculous book holds its unique persona in a way that the exact translation has not and cannot be modified by any means.

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"Indeed this, your religion (ummah), is one religion (ummah), and I am your Lord, so worship Me” [Quran, 21:92]